There is no commitment with our subscriptions, so you can cancel at any time. If you have paid up-front, you will be refunded for the number of deliveries you didn’t receive. If you are paying monthly, the subscription will be cancelled along with the monthly payments.

Did you know you can pause your subscription?

We don't want to see you go but we understand that circumstances may change. That's why we have made it easy for you to just pause your subscription until you're ready to start it again. Just log into your account and click skip order on the right-hand side. You can repeat this action up to 3 months in a row.

Want to cancel your subscription? Get in touch with us and an agent would be more than happy to help. We'd also love to hear feedback on your subscription experience, as this really does helps us improve our service!

For prepaid customers, the monthly bouquet is carried over (so if you ordered a 3-month subscription, and paused for one month, you would have your final bouquet in the 4th month).

For ongoing customers, we simply don't take payment until you are ready to unpause.

Still want to cancel?