If you have received confirmation that your order has been refunded, please allow 3-5 working days for it to show in your account (7-10 days for Amex). Please note, this time depends on your card issuer's processes and we unfortunately have no control over how long this takes.
If you have waited 3-5 days and there is still no refund, it's possible that we refunded an order within 24 hours of it being placed, your bank can sometimes class this as a 'voided transaction'. This happens when your card issuer simply deletes records of the original transaction, rather than show the funds as being removed from your account and then returned. If your order was refunded within 24 hours of being placed, we recommend double checking your bank statement to be certain the funds were taken to begin with.
If it has been 3-5 days since the confirmation of your refund and funds have been taken from your account but not returned, then feel free to get in touch - we'd be more than happy to help.